Friday, February 27, 2009


This has turned into more of a head-scratcher than I thought - here I am with my very own blog, a head full of ideas and nothing to write about... so let me begin by telling you a little about me.

I live in Johannesburg, South Africa, and am an avid woodworker with a growing hand-plane fetish (there's something truly sublime about a well-tuned hand plane). That said, I'm not averse to electron guzzling machines. I try and select the best tool for the job, and if "the best tool" has a 220V umbilical cord attached, then so be it.

My favourite solid modelling program has got to be Google Sketchup. The projects I tackle begin as 3D models in this intuitive, easy to use package.
The most attractive feature of Sketchup is the purchase price (absolutely free!).
[Download Here]
Popular Woodworking and its sister publication Woodworking Magazine (check out my Blog List on the right) have a growing collection of Sketchup models
. So if you're looking for inspiration for a project, follow this link for a range of project plans that you can rotate, dissect and re-assemble to your heart's content.

I have a couple of "itches" that I'll be scratching in the coming months:

1. I've promised myself that I WILL build a
Roubo-style workbench for my woodshop. (I currently use a variety of work surfaces that no longer suit the type of work that I want to do)


2. I plan on building my own infill plane to satisfy my hand-plane fetish

Now I don't know which is the more challenging (daunting?) of these tasks, but I'll be keeping you informed of progress as (and when!) it happens.

That's about it for now... with my growing to-do list, I need to spend more time making wood shavings and less time in front of the PC.

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